
Today I learned

Vuejs model does not work inside scoped slots

Recently I ran into an issue with data binding for scoped slots (Vuejs). Here are some possible fixes that may save your time.
thg 2 03, 2022

Optimize images for faster web

My experience dealing with image optimization processing before serving to the users.
thg 2 03, 2022

Handle long running beanstalkd job

Beanstalkd is a great job queue to help us handle background tasks. It's important to use it correctly to avoid potential issues.
thg 2 02, 2022

Start your day with most important task first

Don't delay a critical task until later in the day because you may not be able to finish it.
thg 1 31, 2022

Focus! Focus! Focus!

The key to success is to focus on one single thing at a time.
thg 1 29, 2022

I should not be an arbitrator

How I lost a good friend and learned a valuable lesson.
thg 1 28, 2022

Create a log service with PHP and Clickhouse [Part 2]

Receive and process log data with PHP then store to Clickhouse.
thg 1 27, 2022

Create a log service with PHP and Clickhouse [Part 1]

Use Vector to collect your log data and send it to our log processor.
thg 1 27, 2022